Betty Keen
Signature / Inscription / Marks
Biblical inscription, Malachi Chap. IV beginning in left upperhand corner: "For behold th/e day cometh/that shall burn/as an overn and/all the Proud y/ea and all that/do wicked sha/ll be stubble an/d the day that c/ometh shall bur/n them up, saith/the Lord of hos/ts that I shall/leave them ne[?]/ her root nor bra/nch/But unto you that fear my nam/e shall the sum o/f righteousness/ arife with heal/ing in his wings/and ye shall/go forth and g/row up as ca/lves of the sra/ll/And ye shall t/read down the/wicked for the/y shall be ashe/s under the sol/es of your feet/in the day that I/shall do this sai/th the Lord of/hosts." In right upperhand corner: "Elijah's Coming/Remember ye/the law of Mo/res my fervant/which I comm/anded unto him/in Horeb[?] for/all [?] I wish/the statutes and/judgements/behold I will/feed you Elijah/the prophet be/fore the com/ing of the great/and dreadful/day of the Lord/And he shall/turn the heart/of fathers/to the children/and the heart of the children/to their fathers/lest I come and/smite the Earth/with a curse." Maker's mark at bottom: "Betty Kee/b orn Agust the/14 1734 Aged 14 years"
Daphne Farago Americana Collection
Object Number
Biblical inscription, Malachi Chap. IV beginning in left upperhand corner: "For behold th/e day cometh/that shall burn/as an overn and/all the Proud y/ea and all that/do wicked sha/ll be stubble an/d the day that c/ometh shall bur/n them up, saith/the Lord of hos/ts that I shall/leave them ne[?]/ her root nor bra/nch/But unto you that fear my nam/e shall the sum o/f righteousness/ arife with heal/ing in his wings/and ye shall/go forth and g/row up as ca/lves of the sra/ll/And ye shall t/read down the/wicked for the/y shall be ashe/s under the sol/es of your feet/in the day that I/shall do this sai/th the Lord of/hosts." In right upperhand corner: "Elijah's Coming/Remember ye/the law of Mo/res my fervant/which I comm/anded unto him/in Horeb[?] for/all [?] I wish/the statutes and/judgements/behold I will/feed you Elijah/the prophet be/fore the com/ing of the great/and dreadful/day of the Lord/And he shall/turn the heart/of fathers/to the children/and the heart of the children/to their fathers/lest I come and/smite the Earth/with a curse." Maker's mark at bottom: "Betty Kee/b orn Agust the/14 1734 Aged 14 years"